What you give attention to, grows, and so we have national undercover specialist Tim Hofman (read: staged TV productions from A to Z for the benefit of stigmatization) to launch another judas goat. It doesn't have to be someone who attracts a lot of followers, mind you. It's mostly about being able to link a group to thought leadership, then stigmatize that via TV production or a simple tweet and you're done. This time, a simple tweet may suffice.
This time from someone who is against everything every critical thinker is against (at least, that's how you put it), but you always have to have a front man; as in the case of the state resistance club Pegida or that Extinction Rebellion; both organized from above. In fact, all resistance is organized from above; including peasant protests; including corona protests. "Do you have proof of that!!!" So much evidence has been shown here in recent years that it almost begins to be sad if you have not yet seen it.
Who is the face used this time? That of one Johannes Mathijs Koenraadt. Camera on and TikTokken away. Fortunately, social media lets through every sound that needs to be pushed and so this sound also gets attention. You can see that on Twitter (nowadays X) and on all other social media. State agents are pushed in the views and any sound that deviates from the desired opposition sound is pushed out.
"But why would they do that?" Because you don't want to give the real free speakers any attention, but only and only those whom you can stigmatize and to whom you want to link a group to be stigmatized. That person you then ridicule, make crazy, and then drag into court for the benefit of staging a sham trial. Then you have the mock trial in the courtroom, the mock conviction by the judge and then you proclaim it widely in the media and you have achieved your goal.
You arrange the following among the Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter (the tens of thousands of covert state agents among the civilian population with a bonus from the state). You have to get that person to say some meaningful things, of course, but especially a lot of idiocy. So you can stick the "geeky" label on it, linking the good ideas to the "geeky" stigma of the judas goat. And then you flush the toilet and it's mission accomplished.
So I wanted to show you this example early on anyway. It is only waiting for the next Tim Hofman TV production.
Oh yes, for anyone who wants to be reminded of what exactly a judas goat is; once again the now-familiar clip below. Tim Hofman is of course a minion, but people love to watch programs produced by minions. He gets to put this new judas goat on the map and then flush it down the toilet.
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John mk-ultra the xx Baptist seems a little short of breath, I'd get a little short of breath myself if you had to sell such bullshit.
Fortunately, Tim, who works for the court man, will take some time to expose these abuses....
Of course, it could also culminate in some fake storming of the second chamber as we saw with the 666 capitol storming. Preferably after Tim makes an episode of it. Then they can totally make a nice play out of it. How did it exist that the intelligence agencies did not respond adequately to this?
Underutilization.... So more money to the intelligence services. It's all about national security.
Do we immediately see the importance of good hoernalism.
And oh woe to those poor politicians who stick their necks out for people and homeland. Heroes they are.
Yes, exactly. They can spin it nicely.
Maybe Johannes will be invited to ON and Forum for Democracy for a while.
Maybe there will be some more babbling about it at Matthijs van Nieuwkerk (or I don't know who is running the show now).
It could be spun either way.
With the first sentence that this Slapjannes utters, you already smell treachery, of course. The point here is not that the masses should believe him if necessary, but that he can be 'flushed' at a later date. This oen gives advice with a big 'K' and has an obvious beautifully presented agenda. He says nice lots, also nice lots of different subjects with nice lots of different names (Johannes Mathijs Koen). What is it now, make up your mind GEKKIE.
And of course, scandal man Tim Hofman has a lot of ratings with his fake program Boos, so then you have a lot of NPCs who believe that. Net that doesn't matter, because NPCs who watch the from A to Z staged pulp of scandal man Tim Hofman follow the system by definition.
Who Tim Hofman is scandalized by? I don't know..Matthijs van Nieuwkerk seems like a suitable candidate.
Says one village idiot to another;
'We are internationally fucked with Wilders. People don't realize they voted for the village idiot'
Well Kees, you can shout that, but you and I know you're regurgitating all that for bacon and beans. There is not an ounce of truth in it. Voting people won't accept it because the basic principles are missing. That is a clueless and bewildered mass following. Fortunately, Kees knows what is going on and knows exactly what is expected of him, through the stooges of the scriptwriters. He doesn't even need remote advice from Peter R. anymore, even though of course they still hang out with each other sometimes, with Peter R. occasionally throwing him a bacon.
Wasn't Jesus also from Nazareth? It's a big club and.
Cornelis (Kees) van der Spek (Nazareth, June 29, 1964) is a Dutch journalist, director and programmer.
The Emmy award...kind of like the Machiavelli Prize. For pranking the masses with a phony fake show:
"Together with De Vries, Van der Spek received an Emmy Award in 2008 for the reportage about Joran van der Sloot and his alleged involvement in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, which was viewed by more than 7 million people. Van der Spek maintained direct contact with informant Patrick van der Eem."
Joran being allowed to pretend to be in a cell in Peru for a moment every now and then to keep the story believable (greenscreen or AI can also be heard).
But to be clear, Wilders is a pawn of power, as are all politicians, all journalists, all program makers, all opposition TV and alternative media....
So it's all part of the game of "deepstate" versus the new team that gets to play the savior.
So the comment "We are internationally fucked with Wilders" is nothing more than candy for those still in the supporters of the leftist deepstate.
The right-wing deepstate (the savior team) may soon take over.
The comment of this monkey (Kees van der Spek) is mainly meant to nicely whip up that field of tension.
They are all hoax-masters of certain blood running the phony fake show.
With Fortuyn, NL also made a blunder abroad.
Was just the beautiful setup where we are now. At your sevice, huh huh, as Fortuyn crowed, exactly that's right.
He acted exactly what he had to do, even sallowing for the camera in your face!!!(pimmetje volksverlakker)
By the goats themselves even set out under
Isn't Fortuyn also drinking cocktails on that beautiful continent of Lemurya along with Theo van Gogh, Joran van der Sloot, Peter R. de Vries and whoever else collaborated in deceiving the people?
"television journalist" ... everything for the media so ....
Nothing demonstrators. Ordinary money wolves, that's what they are. Can't be said often enough.